
About & FAQs

The Awakening Entrepreneur was created by the founders at Scale Capital. It may seem a contradiction that those with backgrounds in building technology companies, marketing agencies, running hedge funds, capital raising and deal-making would be deeply grounded in all things spiritual, however, this is entirely the case. For long we’ve masked this fact, however today we can state with certainty that entrepreneurs can be hugely successful whilst preserving their spiritual convictions.

Contrary to prevailing belief, spiritual leadership is not underpinned by passivity, sacrificing profits or evading conflict. The spiritual leader is assertive, self-assured, and uses empathy, self-knowledge as an advantage, not detriment, to make deeper connections in all interactions and relationships. And it was from these observations we founded this initiative.

We feel the entrepreneur and seeker are alike. Both are rebels at heart, they defy convention, question fearlessly, will risk it all in pursuit of an ideal or vision. In fact, as we share our vision, we are finding more and more entrepreneurs speaking openly about their spiritual journey.

Why Connect & Collaborate With Us?

This is a new initiative for us, we certainly have the drive and capability to build something incredible. We’d like to be slightly different from other’s in this space and create organically, through word-of-mouth. We aren’t comfortable over-selling 10x growth for 5x acceleration, not that these things will not be achieved, we just think the business journey is something more than pure numbers. We also feel there are many that would agree with us.

Ultimately there is something magical being part of an exclusive community and having access to a board of advisors that have insights beyond just business. The opportunities to learn and growth are truly endless …

How Can I Get Started?

We’ll be starting a range of free networking / introduction events starting in Melbourne during April, then moving onto Sydney and Brisbane. These are informal gatherings, where you can mix with like-minded entrepreneurial seekers and hear from our team. If you’re interested there will be opportunities to form a Mastermind group, or for us to work together in another capacity. We genuinely are seeking to create a community here, and prove that spirituality and entrepreneurship is indeed a solid match.

The Awakening Pyramid

The Opportunist

This is your archetypical entrepreneur, one that is on hedonistic, outward journey. They view entrepreneurship as a means to an end, and are generally infatuated with the trimming of affluence, self-glorification, name and fame. Many business-persons start their journey and evolve from this state, however, many never leave this rat-race, causing conflict in other areas of life. It must be noted that it’s quite possible to operate from this space and create enormous amounts wealth, if that is one’s primary motivation.

The Explorer

Though there remains some trapping of the opportunist, the explore is marked by growing sense of questioning of their purpose as entrepreneur, and in operating with a strong social and moral compass. The explorer is always seeking ways to improve their business journey, as they mature they are less motivated by greed, and have reached a space where they are becoming more comfortable in their own skin.

The Awakening

The awakening entrepreneur, takes business in their stride, manifests effortlessly, and understand the outward is transitory, whilst the inward experiments never end.  Once you operate at this level, you are playing your own game. That is, you are least perturbed by the actions of others, because you no longer compare yourself or wish to be noticed. At this level, you still have the ability to hold and manage vast wealth, create, however you do it from a place of love, no longer in fear or resistance.

Our Program Structure

The Master Program

This is a foundational program we’ve create to help entrepreneurs move forward in their spiritual journey, it involves a process of understanding the habitual patterns of the mind, navigating relationships and acting from a purpose-driven viewpoint. It draws from the highest ancient spiritual wisdom that has been neglected today, but which is needed for an awakening to transpire.

This isn’t an intellectual study, rather a confronting exploration of one’s human psyche and soul, like you’ve never experienced. The Master program is generally undertaken before or in some conjunction with The Entrepreneur program.

The Entrepreneur Program

Once you have started on the various elements of the Master program, we begin to look carefully at you current business endeavours carefully deconstructing and mapping out your ventures. Then, once baseline are established we work with you to help in the areas of your concern, either to stimulate growth or if you are at that stage, focus on placing your business in auto-pilot, whilst you explore other venture and interests.

How We Operate




& Workshops

We have a flexible approach to working and engaging with clients and value their preciousness of time. Our programs can be adapted in any environment. Some prefer face-to-face, whilst for other’s video is a better option. Similarly, clients may engage us on a 1-on-1 basis, whilst other’s prefer the group dynamics of a Mastermind, workshop or retreat setting. Please contact us today for schedules in your location.

The Master program